California Rantings

Wednesday, Feb. 06, 2008 - 8:04 p.m.

So yeah. I went to get a new phone a few days ago. My two year contract is up, and I want a phone with internet access because I have only the "intranet" at work, and I have withdrawals when I do not get instant Britney updates from Pere-Hilt@n every hour. I picked out the phone, got ready to write a check and the clerk tells me:
"So come back on Friday and we can finish this up."
Me: What?
Clerk: You contract is up on the 8th, so come in then and we can finish this up."
Me: So you are sending me and my money away for a few days.
Clerk: Yes. Corporate policy.
So yes, a certain cell phone company would not sell me a phone and told me to come back.
No really, our economy is just fine.


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