California Rantings

Tuesday, Jan. 09, 2007 - 9:36 p.m.

I hate it when people continually make the stupidest mistakes over and over and over again. I have a "relative" that decided to move across country (leaving their children behind) to be with a married person they met online. I do not have any children, but I would not leave my CATS behind, much less children. Now I get sick of the "poor me I am a victim" mentatility that a lot of people have. So help me, if I hear one more whiny "I HAD to move to see if I could find any happiness," or "No one ever gave us a chance as a couple because blah, blah, blah," or "If my kids are mad at me, it is because they don't are around me enough to see how happy I can be."
I mean, everyone can take control of their life. If you are not happy, then take responsibility for your bad decisions and change it. My Dad was the same way. Nothing was ever his fault. Bleck!

Monday, Jan. 08, 2007 - 9:27 p.m.

If you read my diary and live in Virginia, please let me know who you are. A simple "I am not your ex-husband being nosy" note will do. If this is my ex-husband -- GET TO WORK YOU SLACKER!!!! And you owe be seven years of cat support -- I expect a check!!!

Okay, so I went to "the office" today. We have a brand new computer order system, and let's just say it had a few "gliches." Fine, no small children will die, but still, WORK WITH ME PEOPLE! I basically spent four hours trying to repair one account, only to find out that there are a lot more "problem accounts" out there. I could only use my "perky professional voice" for so long.

I have been trying to buy my Moms share of the "gentlemans club" but no go. So, my beloved Mother still owns parts of a stip joint. Thank goodness it is on the other coast because I know my Stepdad would try and get in for free.

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