California Rantings

Tuesday, Jul. 12, 2005 - 3:23 p.m.

New people moved into the office next door.




They are loud and SCREAM for no reason. Supposedly they are "motivating" and "training" new employees for their salesforce, but whatever.

I had it out with one of the idiots today. Their "motivational speaker" was screaming something about "brainw@shing" or some crap and the person I was on the phone said to me...

Who was brainw@shed?

I am sorry, but if you are an office and a half away and the person on the other end of my phone call can hear you, YOU ARE TOO DAMN LOUD.

After an hour of the screaming, I knocked on the door to tell them to keep it down, and they (as usual) ignored me. Luckily my Mother handled the situation with class...when the speaker said something about "Do you know what my wife said when I came home last night?" She responded with (at the top of her lungs)"What are you doing wearing my underwear and high heels?"

Needless to say, the "motivational speaker" threw open the door and said "Look, you were warned we would make noise, so learn to deal with it."

Um, no. I deal with nothing. I went upstairs to get their phone number from the receptionist and ran into Idiot #1.

Idiot #1: I am sorry, but we are not that loud. Besides we are only loud for one hour a day--from 1-2.

Me: Except that it is 11:45 now, and you are loud.

Idiot #1: Look, he is a very expensive motivational speaker who encourages our salesforce to make $3,000 per week.

Me: Well, you are costing me at least that. You know you are too loud when my customers are wanting to know who was brainwashed.

Idiot #1: He did not talk about brainwashing.

Receptionist: Actually, you other neighbor complained about the brainwashing comment as well.

Idiot #1: Let me explain something to you about business.

Me: Do you have a PhD in business?

Idiot #1: No.

Me: Well I do, so I really doubt you could teach me anything.

Idiot #1: Look, he is the best motivational speaker in the country.

Me: He did not look like Tony R@bbins to me.

Idiot #1: How many complaints were there yesterday?

Receptionist: A few--your other neighbor said she pounded on the wall and

Idiot #1: I thought they were hanging something. That is not a complaint. Besides--we are only noisy on occastion.

Me: So if we were to start blasting music during your meeting that would be no problem?

Idiot #1: No.



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