California Rantings

Tuesday, Jan. 20, 2004 - 7:59 p.m.

I really hate pulling rank with people at work. I REALLY HATE IT. Primarily because I usually only have to do it with a few people, and it is usually the same people. Tonight in point. Big meeting tonight. I was doing inventory all day today and was dressed very casually DURING THE DAY. The woman that I made cry at a meeting last summer walks into MY OFFICE asking me "when are you going to change your do know there is a meeting tonight." My answer "Whenever I feel like it."

Her: I was just wanting to let you know there is a meeting in TWO HOURS (my emphasis) and thought that you may need to go and get clothes to change in to."

Me: "Nope, I have it all under control."

Her: "Because what you are wearing is not appropriate."

Me: "Actually, I can wearing ANYTHING I want, because I am in management and working behind the scenes tonight, but I guess since you do not get MANAGEMENT e-mail, you wouldn't know that."

Her: "Well, you only have two more hours."

Silence. She stands there, waiting for an answer. Silence. She finally gives up and leaves. She tried and correct me three times during the meeting and I ignored her all three times.

Just now I was on the phone and she came into my office and said

"Maybe next time you should..."

Me: "Sorry, corporate phone call, you will have to excuse me," and shut my office door. I swear, she does this just to irritate me.


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