California Rantings

Friday, Jun. 27, 2003 - 12:09 p.m.

You are a political dissident!
You are a Political dissidient! Should've been a
bit more careful who you discussed politics
with... You are a weakness to the Motherland
and must be liquidated... Dasvidanya,SUCKER!!!!!

What kind of Russian are you?
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I graduated from high school with 700 people. I had a "close group of friends" of about 15 people. Today I am in contact with three people from high school. Just three. I can remember when life was so simple that I had the time for 15 "close friends" a boyfriend, school and a job. My paychecks did not go to bills, but instead I bought expensive make-up and clothes, and a long work day was anything over four hours.

I was thinking about highschool becuase I felt old today. I overheard some kids (early teens -- at evil T@rget no less) who wanted to buy an "oldies" CD for their Mom. They asked the "kid behind the counter" if they had any CURE CD's in stock for their Mom, since she liked them when she was in high school. The sales kid replied:

"God no, haven't they been dead for like 2 decades or something?"

My God, we are going to hell in a handbasket. I also feel old because 15 years ago today, Hillel Slovack of the Red Hot Chili Peppers overdosed on sm@ck. I remember that.

God I am old.


P.S. Check out the weatherpixie chick when it is over 100 degrees--quite a bathing suit!~

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