California Rantings

Thursday, May. 05, 2005 - 10:28 a.m.

Actual conversation with ex-hubby this morning:

Me:Jess (my 13 year old cousin) wants me to take her to Green D@y in San Francisco in September.

ExH: Really? I had no idea she was even a fan.

Me: I know--I am shocked her Dad would let her go. Her Mom is afraid there might me bad language, but since she lives with her Dad, who cares.

ExH: I am sure the language won't be all that bad--better than in Oakland I am sure.

Me: Or just in general--I just hope there is no strange nudity or something.

ExH: What are you expecting--Farve to play naked or something?

Me: What?

ExH: What?

Me: What in the hell would Brett Farve be doing at a Green D@y show?

ExH: Green D@y? I thought you said Green Bay--as in PACKERS!

Lovely...after 10 years we still have not mastered the art of communication.


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