California Rantings

Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2004 - 6:49 p.m.

Halfway through the week of my ex-hubby being here and we are both still alive. Although there are times when I look at him and think "God, I am so glad we are not married anymore." It is nice to see him in person, but my cellphone is feeling very lonely.

As for my predictions--Mother-in-law totally blew him off and was "too tired" to see him at all--evil ex-BIL finally did call to see him YESTERDAY--he is out with him now, which is why I am at home. So far so good though.


I watched Tr@ding Sp@uces last night and I have to tell you "TV NEEDS A BETTER REPRESENTATIVE OF VEGETARIANS! Every single one that I have seen on TV has been a whiney, demanding, selfish crybaby that makes me want to hang my head in shame. NO VEGAN WOULD EAT ALLIGATOR MEAT and use the excuse of "I guess it would be okay because if it had the chance it would kill me." Quite frankly, I wish one would have eaten that woman. And she SPANKED a dog for peeing indoors. Hello!!! Let the dog out and it won't have an accident.

Jumping off the soapbox now---TTFN

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