California Rantings

Monday, Jun. 28, 2004 - 2:52 p.m.

Thank you for all of the guestbook notes and e-mails about my burglery. It seems as though the picked the lock on my side door (which is another way of me saying I am not sure if it was locked and shut properly). Somewhere in Vac@ville is an idiot teenager trying to play my Duran Duran DVD to no avail! Serves them right.

I actually see the break-in as a blessing.

1) All they got was a cheap DVD player that, without the cords is worthless

2) I had better locks installed and am no longer assuming that living behind the police department mean living in a crime free zone

3) Neither of the cats got out, which, knowing Louis would have meant me having to find him

4) I wasn't home. Apparently they break in when women are home alone and steal purses and whatever they can get their hands on

Just remember folks...always take your DVD's (and computer "tax info" disks out of the equipment when not at home! :-)

On a toatlly different Stepdad is an idiot. He was supposed to send via UPS my grandmother her medication, but dumbass decided to save a few dollars and send them regular mail. Needless to say, my Mother had to drive six hours (three each way) yeasterday to get her meds to her. My stepdad was "too tired" to go with her. WTF ever. I swear--how can anyone be that stupid????TTFN

Friday, Jun. 25, 2004 - 1:27 p.m.

I live right behind the police department. I can see cops from my front window. Sometime between 8:10 and 9:05 this morning I was robbed!! The idiots stole a European DVD player (withouth the cords so it is useless) AND a Duran Duran DVD fresh from eb@y. Hopefully the cop will be cute. TTFN

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