California Rantings

Wednesday, May. 19, 2004 - 9:18 a.m.

Okay, so they are "releasing" a serial rapist in my beloved town of V@c@ville. People are in an uproar--I think they are being stupid about being in an uproar. The man has been chemically c@astrated, will be on an electronic monitoring devise, and everyone knows who he is. I want to go to the next city hall meeting and tell people to worry about the rapists in town that they do not know. The man has been in prison for decades and is not stupid enough to attack his next door neighbor. Rapists are terrible, but there are more unknown rapists than known ones. They act as though he is the only sex offender in this city of 100,000. Yeah, right.

The "Bootcamp Running Disaster" from yesterday has a slight update...I have an upper respitory infection, hence the hacking and nearly dying after running 200 years. I am still going back tomorrow, but will not be running. I know--lucky me!


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