California Rantings

Tuesday, Mar. 30, 2004 - 1:08 p.m.

My top three "google" searches to find me are:

Mail order husbands


Tyco millionaire party

To the person (or people) trying to find CROWHIHS--here I am--drop me a note and tell me what CROWHIHS is to you and why you are searching nonstop for it on google, yahoo and a million other search engines. CROWHIHS was my college e-mail password, so if really is something else I am dying to know what it is.

UNLESS, of course, you are a stalker, then forget I said anything at all :-)

Tyco people--sorry I did not attend his wifes birthday party and I did not get to see his gold shower curtain.

Mail order husband people...I think there are two types.

1) Men who are wanting to become a mail order husband, OR

2) Women who are looking to find a "mail order husband."

I think I will start a mail order husband service--for women. If only I had a "Men from the UK" connection. British men, like Jude Law and Dec Donnelly and Hugh Grant.

So, if any of my readers have such a connection--e-mail me--A.S.A.P.!!!

I mean seriously. There is just something about a British accent that would make me a billionaire! Any takers?????


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